Practice Survey Reporting

Latest Patient Survey

The GP Patient Survey has been designed to give patients the opportunity to feed back about their experiences of their GP practice. The survey asks about your experiences of your local GP practice and other local NHS services, and includes questions about your general health. The survey includes questions about a range of issues, such as how easy or difficult it is to make an appointment at your practice, satisfaction with opening hours, the quality of care received from your GP and practice nurses, amongst other things.

Replies to the survey will help GP practices understand where they can improve. This survey is an opportunity for patients to have their say about how well their practice is doing at providing these services to patients. The practice will always look at ways of improving services to our patients.

Ipsos Mori

An independent research agency, administers the survey on behalf of NHS England.

NHS England leads the National Health Service (NHS) in England. It is an arm’s length body of the Department of Health with the aim of improving health outcomes for people in England. It is responsible for the commissioning of health care services in England, including the contracts for GPs, pharmacists, and dentists. NHS England has commissioned Ipsos MORI to run the GP Patient Survey.

If you receive a questionnaire through the post, please help NHS England by filling it in as soon as is possible.

GP Patient Surveys


Overall experience

 91%  describe their overall experience of this GP practice as good

Practice Overview (